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Tom Farley: Acoustic Guitars; Electric Rhythm Guitar; Electric Lead Guitar;

All Loop Composition and Programming; Lead Vocals; Background Vocals

Tania Farley: Keyboards; Percussion; Lead Vocals; Background vocals

Gerry Herndon: Electric Lead Guitar; Electric Rhythm Guitar; Background Vocals

Steve Gallagher: Strings

Donnie Satterwhite: Pedal Steel Guitar

Mike Munden: Violin

Tom Jones: Acoustic Lead Guitar (Fresh Air; An Old and Familiar Play)

B.J. Liederman: Piano (Kinky with My Baby)



Podcasts Audiobook Episodes and Videos

Want to hear the story behind the Creation of the Songs?

The Studio Sessions?  The Engineering?  The Players?  The Special Moments?

Enjoy the Interviews and Songs for these albums - listen to 

"The Path Taken" Podcast Audiobook Episodes!


Enjoy Live and Studio Montage Videos of the songs on these albums on

The Tom Farley YouTube Channel...!


​Produced at Farley Music Services, Virginia Beach, VA.

Written, Performed, Produced, Engineered and Mastered by Tom Farley

Copyright 1991   ASCAP


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​The Calm Before the Storm Liner Notes


The Calm Before the Storm CD was the definitive performance of The Tom Farley Band captured in the studio.  Written and produced by Tom...and engineered and recorded at Earworks Studio with Bob Smith, it was the end result of many years of playing, writing and technical experience.  Tom, Tania and Gerry had been performing live in local clubs for about eighteen months before going into the studio.  Using a combination of programmed rhythms and live performance, the band was not only able to achieve a dynamic recording, but also reproduced the album-quality performance consistently in all the venues they played.


The songs on the CD exhibit some of the best songwriting of Tom's career.  Variety of styles, reflections, humor, and description have always been a mainstay of his songwriting.  With fifteen songs (72 minutes of music) on the CD, fans can certainly get their moneys worth.  Tom wrote all of the songs except two: Baby Can I Hold You (Tracy Chapman) and Landslide (Stevie Nicks).  


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Gerry Herndon - Tom Farley - Tania Farley

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